My Safety Tips

I make sure I communicate by text or phone. I know it’s not a guarantee of security, but I feel better knowing I have someone’s phone number. When someone doesn’t want to give me their phone number, that’s a red flag for me. If you’re doing an honest deal, there’s no need to hide your number!

I won’t go to certain areas of the city. You know which ones I mean.

If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. I bought some leather doctor’s bags on marketplace the other day. The seller had great ratings, and the deal was spectacular! Two antique doctors bags for 25$! Can you believe it? I eagerly sent a 25$ e-transfer and the seller said she’s put the bags out on the porch. By the time I got them home, I could smell the reason they were so cheap – they reeked of mold. I had to throw them out. I will not deal with moldy items!

When I sell an item I meet people in the parking lot since I’m in a condo. If I lived in a house and I preferred not to meet people inside my place, I might insist on e-transfers only and leave the item on the porch. The problem is that this isn’t great customer service and it might be harder to sell an item this way – but it’s good to have options!

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